Become a Wear Black, Give Back Ambassador!

Wear Black, Give Back 2024 is coming, and UNO needs your help in amplifying one of the biggest days of our year. You can help spread the word to hundreds and thousands of people with a small commitment of just a few clicks — all from the comfort of your home.

As a Wear Black, Give Back Ambassador, you're a part of the WBGB Team. Any UNO alumni, student, employee or fan is eligible! We will equip you with tools to share your Maverick pride within your social network and make an even bigger impact on our students and campus.

  • Sign up to be a WBGB Digital Ambassador by clicking here to email
  • Watch your email for insider news, exciting updates and challenge announcements.
  • Use our social toolkit to spread the word on social media with #WearBlackGiveBack.
  • Encourage your friends, family and fellow Mavericks around the world to join you as you Wear Black and Give Back on October 8-9. It’s all about participation!
  • Win prizes as you follow, post and share!

All ambassadors who sign up by September 30 will receive an ambassador toolkit, including:

  • a Wear Black, Give Back T-shirt;
  • a Wear Black, Give Back mini foam finger;
  • a Wear Black, Give Back laptop/water bottle sticker; and
  • a Flat Durango to share in your Facebook posts, Instagram photos or Tiktoks.

Finally, you could win a $100 UNO Bookstore gift card! Each ambassador can create a personalized link by clicking the "Fundraise" button on any support page (see the scholarships example here). These buttons can be found on any area's support page, and it will allow you to create a personalized link with a message and a goal of your choosing. Use this link in your emails and social media posts. Prizes include:

  • A $100 UNO Bookstore gift card for the ambassador who attracts the most donors with their giving link.
  • Three runners-up will receive a complimentary embroidered UNO knit hat!

We will be limited to 100 ambassadors, and toolkits will be delivered on a first-come, first-served basis, so don't wait to sign up!

The time commitment is low, but the potential to advance your favorite university philanthropically is limitless. Sign up today and you'll take the first step toward becoming one of the first Wear Black, Give Back Ambassadors for UNO. Check your inbox for further instructions and updates throughout Wear Black, Give Back!

Bark, Meow, and Tweet!
Pet Ambassadors

Your feline, canine, avian, reptilian or aquatic* companion can join in the #MavSpirit, too!

If you want your furry friend to help represent UNO during Wear Black, Give Back on October. 8-9, sign them up to be a WBGB Pet Ambassador. Each pet will receive one of these branded bandanas so that they can also Wear Black and Woof / Meow / Tweet Back. 

Don't forget, too, that your pet can participate in our Woof Black, Meow Back challenge. Share a photo of your pet on social media with the hashtag #WearBlackGiveBack by noon on Oct. 9, and we'll randomly select one entry to win a UNO Mavericks pet jersey as well as the opportunity to decide which UNO cause gets a bonus $250 donated to them in your name. 

To get your Wear Black Give Back pet bandana:  Email us by clicking here or sending to

We will be limited to 100 pet ambassadors, and toolkits will be delivered on a first-come, first-served basis, so don't wait to sign up!

*Disclaimer: Wear Black, Give Back pet bandanas may be too big for your goldfish.